Thursday, 29 November 2018

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Bored jar

So my kids are always bored so we made a list of fun things that we can do both inside and outside as well as crafts and games trips and baking as well as educational options and some chores to help mom and dad  out .then we cut them into strips and folded them and put them into a vase we were going to donate as a decorative item ,now when they say "I'm bored" they pick a slip of paper and do that item then it gets placed into a box to be reused once the vase is empty.

Bored jar

Monday, 12 November 2018


Sometimes we have to seperate ourselves from the people we love both from friendships and relationships to see what we really have ,but near or far well always be in each other's hearts .we got to meet up with a friend and her daughter and check out a new park and laugh and dance and play like the old days it was exactly what we all needed to recharge and move forward.


Sunday, 11 November 2018

Pumpkin carving

Halloween is such a fun time when we're doing things as a family.seeing the smiles on their lil faces as we make our design and the wiggles and giggles and faces they make as they clean out the insides

Pumpkin carving

Halloween is such a fun time when we're doing things as a family.seeing the smiles on their lil faces as we make our design and the wiggles and giggles and faces they make as they clean out the insides

Saturday, 10 November 2018

Blessings in desquise

An amazing family moved in beside me 2 years back with these three beautiful and amazing children and soon we became close and then we set out on this epic journey called Funification and though they have  moved but I am forever grateful and blessed for their continued friendship (2 kids missing from photo)

Friday, 9 November 2018

One on one time

Haven's been requested I be the silly carefree mom and play some games with him #askandyeshallreceive


This poor little guy seemed as if frozen in place on our hockey net outback,so my boys decided to warm him by wrapping their hands around him and after a few minutes the little guy hopped off

Saturday, 3 November 2018

Fun with my oldest son

Alot of the time we forget to take in and admire the beauty in the small things like going to the comic book store and letting your kids imagination go wild and seeing the smile grow on his face

Fitness fri

So as most of you know I've been having a touch time getting into a routine with healthy lifestyle choices and exercise and nutrition but I'm going to do weekly posts as part of a get fit with me idea that some of our fans and followers who are having this same issue expecially the lady after having our beautiful babies wouldn't trade mine for anything in this world .I earned every tiger strip and tired mom eyes  and ponytail hair styles everyday "mom look" so as we embark on this journey be kind to us all we aren't all meant to be a size 2.
Height- 5'9"
Weight - 190 lbs
Goal weight-150 lbs
Exercise level-little to none
Promise to myself- stay positive and remember that no change is just further motivation